Deploying React web applications in Microsoft Azure with Azure Pipelines

This post is the second in a two part series on React JS. The first post covered design decisions to make before starting a project, and this post provides tips for building and deploying React web applications in Microsoft Azure with Azure Pipelines.

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Azure Application Insights series part 2: How to create application monitoring dashboards in Azure

This is the second post in a series I’m writing on Azure’s Application Insights (AI) service. In the previous post we looked at how to instrument our application code for monitoring.

Here in this post we will walk through how to create application monitoring dashboards directly in Azure using the Azure Dashboards feature and leveraging data from Application Insights and Azure resource metrics.

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Azure Application Insights series part 1: How to instrument your application code for monitoring

This is the first post in a new series I’m writing on Azure’s Application Insights (AI) service. The goal of the series is to walk through some of the basics for monitoring your Azure hosted services with Application Insights. We will cover topics like instrumentation, monitoring dashboards, and paging alerts.

In this post we have a look at code instrumentation: What is it? What are SLIs? How do we use the Application Insights client libraries? What are some instrumentation best practices?

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Azure WebJobs: Scheduling and Scaling

Why Azure WebJobs?

Azure WebJobs are a great resource included in Azure App Service plans. They provide a way for you to run binaries or scripts that perform scheduled or event-triggered job processing for work that isn’t suited to be done during a normal web request. Have a monthly cleanup task for your website? Sending a big batch of emails? Need to process some user uploaded files? These are all great examples of things you can throw into a WebJob.
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